Thursday, May 13, 2010


This is especially ironic since felines are also called 'pussycats' and you'd think that would be a selling feature...


Generally men like all the ingredients in quiche, they just don't like that it's called "quiche". Lose the ladies-who-lunch connotation, try calling it "Egg & Bacon Pie" and see what happens...

Sunday, May 9, 2010


Men don't like subtlety, ladies, because generally we're being too subtle.

While you're thinking: I'm giving him my best doe-eyed lips-pursed look, he'll totally know that it means I want him to kiss me.

He's thinking: Why is she blinking so much? 

Bottom line: Men want you to tell them what you want, subtlety will get you nowhere. Want him to kiss you? Just say, "kiss me you fool" and he will. It's that simple.